The Kick-off meeting of the project “Public awareness, Preparedness, Participation and Coordination for Civil Protection for All” (Subsidy Contract No: A2-1.4-1; Acronym: 4PLUS) was called by Mr. Alexandros Mourouzis, on 03.07.2018, on behalf of the Lead Beneficiary (LB1), i.e., the National Confederation of Disabled People, Greece.
On 16.07.2018, after the meeting dates and location were confirmed with all partners, Mrs. Lina Kefalourou, Project Manager of the 4PLUS project, sent out to all partners the official invitation along with the draft agenda of the meeting.
The Project Beneficiaries (PBs) were provided in advance with a PowerPoint template, in which the partners were asked to present (a) their organization (background, expertise, activities, etc.), (b) their interests and expectations in 4PLUS project, (c) their expected role and contribution to the project, (d) a brief presentation of their deliverables, procurement plans, milestones, current status and short term plans in the project until the end of 2018, and of their local project management measures.
The Kick-off Meeting of the 4PLUS project was held at the Essence Living Hotel, in Ioannina, on the 24th and 25th of July 2018.
The meeting was presided by Mrs. Lina Kefalourou and Mr. Alexandros Mourouzis, on behalf of the LB1. According to the participants the Kick-off meeting was useful and successful, all partners gained clearer picture of their responsibilities in the project.