
Image showing people

D5.6.4: Pilot Multi-Sectorial Exercise in the Field

Institution: Cologne Municipality

Participating organizations:

  • Institutions of the municipality of Kolonje;
  • Other local institutions;
  • Partner in the implementation of the 4PLUS project - Urban Research Institute
  • The community

Target group: People with disabilities (PWD)

Nature and day of development: Simulation of a search and rescue operation, date 13/11/2021

Purpose: Guaranteeing the protection of life and property of persons with disabilities


  • Providing assistance and saving people's lives, property from the impact of fire risk;
  • Realization of the intervention in time by achieving the cooperation and coordination of the forces operating in the intervention operation and the rapid elimination of the consequences.

Type of exercise: Theoretical treatment and practical actions in the field.

Date: December 2, 2021

The Simulation of the exercise was about a fire in a residential building - carrying out the intervention to rescue the disabled residents. Scenario: A resident of the city reported to number 128 of the fire protection service station, Kolonje municipality, that in block no. 3, in the city of Erseke, a fire broke out in a two-story apartment near the intersection. During the communication with this facility, the resident pointed out that a disabled person lives in the apartment. 

For the realization of this simulation, it was necessary to hold an orientation meeting with all the foreseen structures that participate in the realization of the emergency response. The purpose of an orientation meeting was to discuss, consider and update existing emergency planning documents, organizational structures and early warning systems and to familiarize key personnel with emergency procedures and their responsibilities in their implementation. This was done through general discussions that were held by the Emergency department in the municipality. All personnel with a role in the emergency plan or procedure participated.


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